Friday, November 15, 2013

The 태안 Shrimp Festival

I figured out how to upload photos from my phone more easily (using the Google+ auto backup feature), so I'm going back through them and posting them for all to see!

On October 19th, 2013, a friend, 은재 (un-chay), I'd met from Seoul came down to 태안 (tay-an) to attend the 태안 shrimp festival with me and some of my other friends.  After she and her friend arrived in 태안, we ate a great multi-course meal at a Chinese restaurant, which Jackson, who speaks Manderin fluently, ordered for us.

We then proceeded to show 은재 and her friend, Stephanie, around 태안 before meeting up with the rest of our friends to head to the shrimp festival.  In the process, we came across a historical school building.  These can be found in many places in South Korea.  They were built hundreds of years ago by the government to expand education in South Korea, or so Jackson explained to me.  I don't remember too much about it beyond that.

After that, we met up with our other friends at the bus terminal (actually we were going to be late for the bus so we ran half way across 태안 with only a few minutes to spare) and headed to 안면도 (an-mi-on-doh), which is about 45 minutes away, for the shrimp festival.  Once we arrived, we first headed to the beach, where I took lots of great pictures.

After that, 은재 helped us good deal on freshly caught shrimp at one of the restaurants nearby.  These restaurants were all over the place.

So with that, we hurried back to 태안 so that 은재 and her friend could make it back to their bus on time.  After seeing them off, we went to one of the local cafés for 빙수 (bing-sue), which is shaved ice with different various kinds of sweet topings on top (the Oreo 빙수 is my favorite).  Two of the local teachers in our group are absolutely crazy about 빙수.  The café has writing all over the walls from various patrons (I guess the owners are okay with this).  As you can see in the third pic, Jackson decided to move into virgin territory.

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